Ambassador Paul Duclos visits Korea Women Inventors Association조회수 : 252등록일 : 24-02-07 16:46 |
Ambassador Paul Duclos, the ambassador of the Embassy of Peru in Seoul, visited the Korea Women Inventors Association(KWIA) to have a meeting with SoonSun Kim, the president of KWIA. President SoonSun Kim introduced women's invention promotion projects and major activities that are being carried out by the KWIA to strengthen women's capabilities and raise of awareness, and introduced about <Korea International Women's Invention Exposition, KIWIE 2024> which will be held in June, and reminded to persuade many of Peruvian Female to participate the event in-person this year.
▲Ambassador Paul introducing the medal of APEC Peru 2024 ▲Picture of President SoonSun Kim and Ambassador Paul Duclos |
이전글 | Meeting With JIPA (Japan Intellectual Property Association) |
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